Studio Marc Drofmans

Beauty Lies!

Beauty Lies!

Outer beauty is but a moment in time. Inner beauty is forever. 

It is important to recognize that both superficial and inner beauty can coexist, and that there is value in both. However, it is important to not place too much emphasis on superficial beauty and to recognize that inner beauty is the most important quality that a person possesses. Inner beauty is something that shines from within and can radiate outwards, making a person more attractive and inspiring to others.

Inner beauty is not influenced by physical appearance or external factors, and it is something that can radiate from a person and make them more attractive to others. It is a quality that can inspire and uplift those around us and can bring joy and happiness to our lives and the lives of others. Superficial beauty, or external beauty, is often based on societal standards and can change over time. It is important to recognize that while superficial beauty may be valued in some aspects of society, it is not the most important quality that a person possesses. Inner beauty, on the other hand, reflects a person's character and personality and is a more accurate representation of who they are as a person. Inner beauty can inspire and uplift those around us and bring joy and happiness to our lives and the lives of others.

True Beauty

We all find ourselves in moments of doubt. However this is not necessary. If your having an off day, there are ways to achieve inner beauty, and it is a journey that is different for everyone. 

Here are just a few ideas that may help:

  1. Practice self-acceptance and self-love. It is important to embrace who you are and to be kind and compassionate towards yourself.
  2. Develop positive qualities such as kindness, empathy, and compassion. These qualities can help you to connect with others and make a positive impact on the world.
  3. Practice mindfulness and gratitude. Being present in the moment and taking the time to appreciate what you have can help to cultivate inner peace and happiness.
  4. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can help to nourish your soul and bring happiness from within.
  5. Cultivate healthy relationships. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can help to nourish your inner beauty.

Remember, inner beauty is not something that you can achieve overnight. It is a journey that requires time, effort, and self-reflection. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and to cultivate qualities that are meaningful and authentic to you. Inner beauty is important because it reflects a  It is a measure of who a person is on the inside and is often a more accurate representation of their true self. 

It is my goal to find your inner beauty, your character, your personality and only then create an image that sticks